529-0011-03L Allgemeine Chemie I (OC)

Slides and solutions for the exercise class, accompanying the ACOC II lecture by Prof. Chen. This lecutre is for students of the D-Chab at ETH Zurich, second semester.


Below you will find my notes for the tutorial session with tips for the series. These are in no way a substitute for the scripts or the lecture and should only be used as additional aids.


Here you can find Anki flashcards. Created by Thea Ortner and Collin Hansen, revised by Lilly Malornry, with key concepts from ACOC I.

Exercise Session

The session takes place every Monday at 10:45 in HIL B21 and will be tought in german. To get to the room, enter the HIL (entrance at the information desk), go straight and take the small stairs (next to the elevator) up. Walk along the corridor to the staircase and go down one floor. Once there, take the right door and turn left; you'll find a small staircase going down. At the end of the stairs, turn right twice, and the room is at the end of the corridor. The aim of my practice is to teach you the theory for ACOC I and familiarize you with the exam format. Series will be submitted via your Polybox.

Organisation und Nomenklatur IWeek 1
Nomenklatur II und Stereochemie IWeek 2Solution 1
Nomenklatur III und Lewis-Strukturen IWeek 3Solution 2
Nomenklatur IV und Chiralität IWeek 4Solution 3
Chiralität II und Fischer IWeek 5Solution 4
SymmetrieelementeWeek 6Solution 5
MolekülorbitaleWeek 7Solution 6
AromatenWeek 8Solution 7
ThermochemieWeek 9Solution 8
Konformationsanalyse IWeek 10Solution 9
Konformationsanalyse IIWeek 11Solution 10
Thermodynamik und KinetikWeek 12Solution 11
PrüfungsvorbereitungWeek 13Solution 12

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